Tryout Registration is now open: We are super excited for what is sure to be an amazing 2024/2025 season and can't wait to see our returning players as well as new families! Registration for tryouts is now open and is totally free. Players are encouraged to register in advance and attend all three sessions, however, walk up registration will be offered during tryouts provided a parent/guardian is present at the time of registration.
We are looking forward to your participation in 49er United’s competitive soccer tryouts which begin this coming Monday, May 13th, for our U9-U14 players and next Monday, May 20th, for our U15-U18 players. Please see the schedule below for your age group's specific time and location and more information about tryouts.
A few specifics about tryouts:
- Players must attend at least one day of tryouts.
- Players should arrive 10 minutes early to complete the check-in process prior to their scheduled start time.
- Players must wear shin guards to tryouts.
- Players should wear cleats and bring a ball and water bottle.
- Players should not wear any club affiliated jersey.
- All players must attend tryouts for their own age group.
- Play up requests for non-returning players will only be considered if a player meets 49er United Play Up Guidelines (*see below).
- Coaches will likely address families prior to the start of each tryout session.
- If you have any questions regarding tryouts or about 49er United’s comp soccer program, please email our Admin at
49er United Play Up Policy (non-returning players):
- Playing up to another age group is allowed when doing so will benefit both the player and the club.
- Players should attend one day at their own age group's tryout.
- Players must also attend tryouts for the age group they are wanting to play up to.
- The player must be one of the top few in their own age group.
- The player must be playing at a level that is appropriate for the team they wish to play up to. They should only play up if they will be considered a starting player for the team they are playing up to.
- All Play Up requests must be approved by the 49er United Board in order to minimize disruption to the age appropriate team.
- * exceptions may be necessary if there is a specific need at a particular age group in order to fill roster spots.